#SOTD 32: A picture worth a million words

#SOTD 32: A picture worth a million words
How do you begin a 102-page report on the Indian startup space?
Perhaps with an Agenda slide. Or an ‘Executive Summary’ filled with several paragraphs of imposing text. Or an Acknowledgements section.
Sajith Pai and Amal Vats did none of the above.
In a fascinating 102-slide narrative on the “Indus Valley” (their moniker for the Indian startup ecosystem), Sajith and Amal uncover many incredible insights about this fast-growing corner of the global economy.
Over this week, I shall unpack some of the interesting storytelling techniques used by them in this presentation.
Let’s get back to that starting slide. So how do the writers begin this report?
With an evocative picture. A picture that speaks a million words in describing the unique and seemingly contradictory nature of the Indian economy.

This picture captures the contradictions (contrast) in today’s India. It also gives you that sense of familiarity. We have all seen folks at signals selling stuff.
When you are starting a long data-heavy presentation, put extra effort in thinking about your beginning.
#SOTD 32